And the 2023 Latin Word of the Year is . . .

             RESOCIO ‘make (something or someone) a companion again’!

We suspect its popularity – winning almost a third of the vote – has more to do with the ‘re-socialization’ that we are all continuing to enjoy after the pandemic years than a surge of interest in Pseudo-Augustine! We were also pleased to see strong showings from the runners-up, restinctor (24.6%) and resplendor (21.95%). More information about these and the other contestants in the 2023 contest can be found here.

Thank you to all the 1,130 participants who voted in and shared this contest! That is more than double the number from last year.

For more information about the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, please visit our website, subscribe to our blog and podcast, and consider applying to the Latin Lexicography Summer School.

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Josine Schrickx (13. Dezember 2023). LATIN WORD OF THE YEAR 2023 – VOX ANNI MMXXIII. Parerga. Abgerufen am 10. September 2024 von

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